... (<#5622#>1<#5622#><#5622#>1<#5622#>
<#21#>This document is based on the official 4.0.6 release documentation, with additions and corrections for new features.<#21#>
... UNIX<#5635#>1.1<#5635#><#5635#>1.1<#5635#>
<#80#>UNIX is a trademark of ATT Bell Laboratories<#80#>
... coordinate<#6126#>6.1<#6126#><#6126#>6.1<#6126#>
<#741#>This all but assumes that the default up vector (0, 0, 1) is being used.<#741#>
... plane<#6350#>D.1<#6350#><#6350#>D.1<#6350#>
<#1387#>The distance is actually measured from the object to the plane containing the camera position (<#1233#>eyep<#1233#>) that is <#1234#>parallel<#1234#> to the image plane.<#1387#>
... frames<#6352#>D.2<#6352#><#6352#>D.2<#6352#>
<#1235#>The Range Map file formats do not support animation.<#1235#>